Helga's 21 Day Kindness Challenge

21 Day Kindness Challenge

Challenge Alert! 

We know that kindness is a muscle that needs to be exercised, and our Helga's Kindness Index Report  has told us that 1 in 5 Australians don't know how to be kind, so we've come up with challenge for anyone and everyone to get involved! 

We're challenging every day Australians to make a pledge and commit to one small act of kindness every day for 21 days. We've even made it easy for you and chosen the daily acts of kindness, and we've asked some special guests to help us complete the challenges every day.


Here's how to get involved: 

  1. Head over to our @helgas.bakehouseon Instagram and check out our story highlights, where we have some templates that you can screenshot and share! 
  2. Share your pledge on your own social channels, tag your friends to get involved too - and don't forget to tag #helgaskindness and @helgas.bakehouse so we can follow along too! 
  3. Check back in for a new challenge every day on our Instagram/a> with a couple of special guests, and keep track of your progress with our tracker template! 


And remember: together we can make Australia a kinder place.