5 Organisations Focused on Kindness

Organisations focused on Kindness

From individual small acts of kindness all the way to organisations and businesses making kindness a priority, there are endless ways for kindness to spread. We’re sharing five organisations that have put a focus on kindness to make the world a better place!


1. RandomActs of Kindness Foundation

The mission of The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation is to make kindness the norm™ in schools, workplaces, homes & communities. They work toward that goal by creating free and accessible content that promotes kindness toward others & teaches important social and emotional learning skills to kids.

Running events such as World Kindness Day (Nov 13, 2021), Random Acts of Kindness Week (Feb 13-19, 2022) and Random Acts of Kindness Day (Feb 17, 2022), the kindness is bound to spread!


2. Kindness.org/a>

More kindness more often. Kindness.org uses science to build products, programs, and partnerships that empower people to transform behaviors and choose kindness more often. 

Using their Kindlab, research is conducted on the causes and consequences of kindness, and the findings are used to build tools and programs designed to increase kindness worldwide.

Partnering with major companies such as Instagram, Nivea, Verizon and the NBA, Kindness.org have shown that kindness at scale is always truly collaborative.


3. StayKind

By inspiring Austalians to actively engage in simple daily acts of kindness, Stay Kind works to promote the prevention of harm to youth and the wider community. 

Stay Kind volunteers advocate, educate and promote acts of kindness, whether it be working with schools, collaborating with companies, providing a Safe Space program, hosting kindness events or driving social change through innovative research.

One pledge of one act of kindness by each of us would be 25 million acts of Kindness in Australia, join the movement and make a pledge.


4. #ViralKindness/a>

An Australian organisation set up in response to coronavirus, #ViralKindness provides a central community hub where people can find or set up a support group in their area to offer or receive help.

Anyone can start or join a local group. You can ask for help or offer a hand with essential tasks like shopping for food, picking up medicine, a regular check-in call and so much more. Because even when we’re apart, there are lots of ways we can help each other.


5. Helga’s/a>

We’re on a mission to help Australians feel happier and more connected. We know that every grain of care counts so we’re seeking to understand how kindness can have a ripple effect in our communities and the nation. We commissioned McCrindle to produce a first of its kind report, exploring the current state of kindness in Australia. Join us as we thrive to make Australia a kinder place. 


Want to know more about kindness?

We have commissioned McCrindle to create a report on the current state of kindness in Australia and give us a score that we’re calling The Kindness Index. You can enter your details below to get access to the full report, or we’ve together a Kindness Hub with all the info you need and we’ve collected some community stories and how-to guides in our Kindness Chronicles. 

Explore our Kindness Hub  Read more Kindness Chronicles