Day 3: Lunch

Prep: 5mins
Cook: 10mins
Servings: 1
Quick-fix: Tuna, avocado and ricotta salad

Quick-fix: Tuna, avocado and ricotta salad


  • 95g canned tuna, drained
  • ½ cup cannellini beans 
  • 40g smooth ricotta 
  • 1⁄3 diced avocado 
  • 1 cup of mixed salad  
  • mixed herbs, to serve


  • Prepare and combine your quick-fix ingredients.
  • Add to a bowl or plate and enjoy.


Healthy Snacks

  • 1 slice of Helga's Prebiotic range of bread + 40g nut butter
  • 40g of most nuts
  • 1 tub natural yoghurt + 20g chia seeds

*Allow for up to 3 serves from your healthy snack list each day.

The daily meal plans are based on an average adult’s daily energy requirement of 8700kJ and provides an average of 38g of dietary fibre a day without allowable snacks (high fibre). Your dietary intake requirements may be higher or lower depending on your energy needs. Speaking to an accredited practising dietitian can help you plan your daily intake.